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Modeling computational trust based on interaction experience and reputation with user interests in social network / Dinh Que Tran, Phuong Thanh Pham Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:0

This paper is to present a novel model of estimating trustworthiness 6 a truster on a trustee based on experience trust and reputation trust from some community xvii: 131- context of user‘s topic interests. Firstly, we construct a measure of experience topic-21mm:-which isdefined as a function of degrees of interaction from a truster to some trustee and a ties-interests in topics. Secondly, we construct a measure of reliability degree of conic-.137: on some trustee by means of a function which is computed via degrees of reliability of truster members of the community and similarity of these members with the trustee. Thirdly. we propose a (imposition function for estimating an overal topic-aware trust based on experience topic—aware trust and the reputation topic-aware trust. Our experimental results show that the degree of experience topic- aware trust depends on interaction degree among truster and trustee more than on trustee‘s interest degree. They also indicate that the overall topic-aware trust estimation depends on reputation from community more than user’s own experience evaluation.

Dlafs cascade R-CNN: An object detector based on dynamic label assignment / Bui Cao Doanh, Nguyen Vo Duy, Khang Nguyen Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:0

In this study, we investigate and study r. are the object detection performance when applying Dynamic Label Assignment on stage of Cascade R-CNN called DLAFS Cascade R-CNN and perform some experiments 1:3 prove the effectiveness. Our DLAFS Cascade R-CNN outperform previous methods on three datasets: SeaShips (+02% AP), UIT-DODV (+5.7% AP), MS-COCO (+18% AP

Scalable Human Knowledge About Numeric Time Series Variation And Its Role In Improving Forecasting Results / Nguyen Huy Hieu, Nguyen Cat Ho, Pham Dinh Phong..[and others] Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:0

Instead of handling fuzzy sets associated with linguistic (L-) laltmis asset the devel—opers’ intuition immediately, the study follows the hedge algebras (HA-) approach to Lie- time seriesforecasting problems, in which the linguistic time series forecasting model was. for the first time.proposed and examined in 2020. It can handle the declared forecasting L—variabie word-set directly and, hence, the terminology linguistic time-series (LTS) is used instead of the fuzzy time-series (FTS). Instead of utilizing a limited number of fuzzy sets, this study views the L-variable under considera - tion as to the numeric forecasting variable’s human linguistic counterpart. Hence. its word—domain becomes potentially infinite to positively utilize the HA-approach formalism for increasing the LTS forecasting result exactness. Because the forecasting model proposed in this study can directly handle L—words. the LTS, constructed from the numeric time series and its L-relationship groups. Considered human knowledges of the given time—series variation helpful for the human-machine interface. The study shows that the proposed formalism can more easily handle the LTS forecasting models and increase their performance compared to the FTS forecasting models when the words‘ munher grows.

An improvement of trusted safe semi-supervised fuzzy clustering method with multiple fuzzifiers / Tran Manh Tuan, Phung The Huan, Pham Huy Thong..[and others] Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

In this research, an improvement algorithm for the data partition with confidence problem and multi fuzzifier named as TS3MFCM is introduced. The proposed method consists of three steps namely as FCM for labeled data”, “Data transformation”, and “Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering with multiple point fuzzifiers”. The proposed TS3MFCM method is implemented and experimentally compared against with the Confidence-weighted Safe Semi-Supervised Clustering (CS3FCM). The performance of proposed method is better than selected methods in both computational time and clustering accuracy on the same datasets.

A fast overlapping community detection. Algorithm based on label propagation and socialNetwork graph clustering coefficient / Nguyen Hien Trinh, Vu Vinh Quang, Doan Van Ban. ... Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Many networks possess a community structure, such that nodes form densely 3; unified groups are more sparsely linked to other groups. In many cases, these groups overlap. with some nodes rat; between two or more communities. Overlapping node plays a role of interface between cormm. , and it is really interesting to study the community establishment of these it reflect the. dynamic behavior of participants. Nowadays, community identification a mining are the main directions in social network analysis. 111 this paper, we present an algorithm to find overlapping communities in “erg: Large social networks. The algorithm is based on the label propagation technique, and we find the overlapping communities in the network by improving the clustering coefficient. Tests on a set of popular- standard social networks and certain real networks have shown the high speed and high efficiency in finding overlapping cormnunities.

An effective deep learning model for recognition of animals and plants / Trinh Thi Anh Loan, Pham The Anh, Le Viet Nam..[and others] Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

This paper presents a deep learning model to address the problem of reanixm. “Lilplants. The context of this work is to make an effort in protection of rare species that . ‘rxrinusly faced to the risk of extinction in Vietnam such as Panthera psu'é'b. Defiaergia, Macaca mulatta. The proposed approach exploits the advanced ability of Comelutional neural networks and Inception residual structures to design a model for classification task. We also apply the transfer-learning technique to fine—tune the my state-of-the-art methods, MobileNetV2 and InceptionV3, specific to our own dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our object predictor (97.6% accuracy) in comparisjn with other methods. In addition, the proposed model works very efficiently with the inference speed of around 113 FPS on a CPU machine, enabling it for deployment on mobile environment.

Pythagorean picture fuzzy sets: part 2-some main picture logic operators and picture inference processes / Bui Cong Cuong Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Pythagorean picture fuzzy set (PPFS) is a combination of Picture Fuzzy 5+1 and theYagcr‘s l"ythagorcan Fuzzy Set [12—14]. In the first part of the paper [17] we introduced some basic notions namely the set operators on PPFS. The missing part in our previous wort: is Fefining the extension of such the operators on the Spherical Fuzzy Sets toward applications of :ztitiaz'zribute group decision making problems. In this second part, we will tackle this issue and preset. some main operators on PPFS such as the picture negation operator, picture t—norm. picture picture implication operators on PPFS. Lastly, the compositional rule of inference in PPFS is presented accompanied with a numerical example.

Bàn về việc phải từ chối hoặc thay đổi người tiến hành tố tụng / Đỗ Thị Phượng, Trần Thị Liên Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Việc Thẩm phán, Hội thẩm phải từ chối tham gia xét xử hoặc bị thay đổi chỉ được áp dụng đối với thủ tục sơ thẩm và phúc thẩm hay đồi với cả thủ tục giám đốc thẩm hoặc tái thẩm; trường hợp Chánh án Toàn án nhân dân tối cao có những lý do bất khả kháng bắt buộc phải từ chối hoặc buộc phải thay đổi trong phiên tòa giám đốc thẩm...là những vấn đề chưa được pháp luật tố tụng hình sự quy định rõ ràng, gây lúng túng trong thực tiễn áp dụng.

Six Thinking Hats Method for Developing Critical Thinking Skills / Eunice Widyanti Setyaningtyas, Elvira Hoesein Radia Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

The purpose of this research is to assist the student teachers in their final year to think critically in analyzing the lesson plan document in the Kurikulum 2013 framework using the Six Thinking Hats method as a tool. This tool has visual imagery similar to colorful hats, with a specific point of view.

Tái chế quần áo từ đồ jeans cũ / Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huệ, Hà Kế Toàn Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Việc tái chế quần áo đã qua sử dụng là một trong những giải pháp hữu hiệu để hạn chế những rác thải ngành thời trang và giúp chúng trở nên có giá trị hơn. Quần áo jeans là món đồ thiết yếu trong tủ đồ của tất cả mọi người bởi độ bền cao, dễ bảo quản, dễ vệ sinh, phù hợp với mọi lứa tuổi, tạo sự phong cách, cá tính riêng cho người mặc. Quần áo jeans vốn nổi tiếng với vẻ đẹp không tuổi nhưng rất khó phân hủy, khi phân hủy tạo ra nhiều khí metan và các khí độc khác gây ô nhiễm môi trường. Tái chế đồ jeans cũ góp phần giảm thiểu rác thải ra môi trường, mang lại lợi ích cho cộng đồng. Đặc biệt là tái chế quần áo jeans còn tạo ra cơ hội cho sinh viên ngành thiết kế thời trang thỏa sức sáng tạo để nâng giá trị cho vòng đời một sản phẩm. Bài viết được thực hiện với mong muốn hạn chế rác thải ngành thời trang, tiết kiệm chi phí cho xã hội, mở ra những hướng đi mới cho việc phát triển thời trang theo hướng bền vững.