Bài trích (Tất cả)
A hybrid pso-sa scheme for improving the. Accuracy of fuzzy time series forecasting models / Pham Dinh Phong, Nguyen Duc Du, Pham Hoang Hiep..[and others] Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:0

Forecasting methods based on fuzzy time series have been examined intersh'aly during the last few years. Three main factors which affect the accuracy of those forecasts-.3 Ethan‘s are the length of intervals, the way of establishing fuzzy logical relationship groups. and olefizziicazion techniques. Many researchers focus on studying the methods of optimizing the length of intervals to improve forecasting accuracies by utilizing various optimization techniques. In line 77:72: that re-msearch trend, this paper proposes a hybrid algorithm combining particle swarm optimitazior. aim the simulated annealing technique (PSO-SA) to optimize the length of intervals to improne forecasting accuracies. The experimental results on the datasets of the “enrolments of the L‘niiezsiry of Al- abama,” “killed in car road accidents in Belgium,” and the “spot gold in Turkey" have shown that the proposed forecasting model is more effective than their counterparts.

Joint power cost and latency minimization for Secure collaborative learning systems / Nguyen Thi Thanh Van, Vu Van Quang, Nguyen Cong Luong Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:0

This work investigates the update security model in a collaborative learning or federatedlearning network by using the covert communication. The covert communication (CC) uses the jamming signal and multiple friendly jammers (FJS) are deployed that can offer jamming services to the model owner, i.e., a base station (BS). To enable the BS to select the best FJ, i.e., the lowest cost FJ, a truthful auction is adopted. Then, we formulate an optimization problem that aims to optimize the transmission power, jamming power, and local accuracy. The objective is to minimize the training latency, subject to the security performance requirement and budget of the BS. To solve the non-convex problem, we adopt a Successive Convex Approximation algorithm. The numerical results reveal some interesting things. For example, the trustful auction reduces the jamming cost of the BS as the number of FJs increases.

A data-centric deep learning method for Pulmonary nodule detection / Nguyen Chi Cuong, Nguyen Long Giang, Tran Hang Son Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:0

Lung cancer is one of the most serious cancer-related diseases in Vietnam 9;.“ all over the world. Early detection of lung nodules can help to increase the survival rate 1:3; cancer patients. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems are proposed in the literature for: 93:36 detection of lung nodules. However, most of the current CAD systems are based on the building ' List—quality machine learning models for a fixed dataset rather than taking into account the dataset properties which are very important for the lung cancer diagnosis. In this paper, we follow the arse-5:2 of data- ccntric approach for lung nodule detection by proposing a data-centric method to in;rares— detection performance of lung nodules on CT scans. Our method takes into account the dataset-span: features (nodule sizes and aspect ratios) to train detection models as well as add more trainizg 141:; from local Vietnamese hospital. We experiment our method on the three widely used object detection networks (Faster R-CNN, YOLOVQ, and RetinaNet). The experimental results show that our prop-used method improves detection sensitivity of these object detection models up to 4.24%.

Revisiting Some Fuzzy Algebraic Structures Rabal-I Kellil / Rabal-I Kellil Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:0

Following our investigations on particular fuzzy algebraic structures. we reaisit fuzzysubgroups and fuzzy ideals and introduce some numerical examples. As usual. we associated relationsto fuzzy subgroup and fuzzy ideal. Consequently, right and left cosets modulo a fuzzy relation were introduced. This work and the our previous works can be considered as a continuation of irrestigaiions initiated by Abu Osman and Antony in the 19805. Toward our investigation, we have in mind that by introducing these new definitions, the results that we can get should represent a real generalization of classical and commonly known concepts of algebra

A Method Of Semantic—Based Image Retrieval Using Graph Cut / Nguyen Minh Hai, Van The Thanh, Tran Van Lang Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Semantic extraction from images is a topical problem and is applied in many different semantic retrieval systems. In this paper, a method of image semantic retrieval is proposed based on a set of images similar to the input image. Since then, the semantics of the image are queried on the ontology by the visual word vector. The objects in each image are classified and features extracted based on Mask R—CNN, then stored on a graph cut to extract semantics from the image. For each image query, a similar set of images is retrieved on the graph cut and then a set of the visual words is extracted based on the classes obtained from Mask R—CNN, as the basis for querying semantics of an input image on ontology by SPARQL query. On the basis of the proposed method, an experiment was built and evaluated on the image datasets MIRFLICKR—QSK and MS COCO.

Numerical Method For Solving The Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem For Nonlinear Triharmonic Equation / Dang Quang A, Nguyen Quoc Hung, Vu Vinh Quang Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

In this work, we consider the Dirichlet boundary value problem for nonlinear Tihmonic equation. Due to the reduction of the problem to operator equation for the pair of tr: right hand function and the unknown second normal derivative of the function to be we design iterative method at both continuous and discrete levels for numerical solution problem. Some examples demonstrate that the numerical method is of fourth order convergeze. “hen the hand side function does not depend on the unknown function and its deritatives- numerical method gives more accurate results in comparison with the results obtained by the firefly: method Gudi and Neilan.

Modeling computational trust based on interaction experience and reputation with user interests in social network / Dinh Que Tran, Phuong Thanh Pham Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

This paper is to present a novel model of estimating trustworthiness 6 a truster on a trustee based on experience trust and reputation trust from some community xvii: 131- context of user‘s topic interests. Firstly, we construct a measure of experience topic-21mm:-which isdefined as a function of degrees of interaction from a truster to some trustee and a ties-interests in topics. Secondly, we construct a measure of reliability degree of conic-.137: on some trustee by means of a function which is computed via degrees of reliability of truster members of the community and similarity of these members with the trustee. Thirdly. we propose a (imposition function for estimating an overal topic-aware trust based on experience topic—aware trust and the reputation topic-aware trust. Our experimental results show that the degree of experience topic- aware trust depends on interaction degree among truster and trustee more than on trustee‘s interest degree. They also indicate that the overall topic-aware trust estimation depends on reputation from community more than user’s own experience evaluation.

Dlafs cascade R-CNN: An object detector based on dynamic label assignment / Bui Cao Doanh, Nguyen Vo Duy, Khang Nguyen Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

In this study, we investigate and study r. are the object detection performance when applying Dynamic Label Assignment on stage of Cascade R-CNN called DLAFS Cascade R-CNN and perform some experiments 1:3 prove the effectiveness. Our DLAFS Cascade R-CNN outperform previous methods on three datasets: SeaShips (+02% AP), UIT-DODV (+5.7% AP), MS-COCO (+18% AP

Scalable Human Knowledge About Numeric Time Series Variation And Its Role In Improving Forecasting Results / Nguyen Huy Hieu, Nguyen Cat Ho, Pham Dinh Phong..[and others] Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Instead of handling fuzzy sets associated with linguistic (L-) laltmis asset the devel—opers’ intuition immediately, the study follows the hedge algebras (HA-) approach to Lie- time seriesforecasting problems, in which the linguistic time series forecasting model was. for the first time.proposed and examined in 2020. It can handle the declared forecasting L—variabie word-set directly and, hence, the terminology linguistic time-series (LTS) is used instead of the fuzzy time-series (FTS). Instead of utilizing a limited number of fuzzy sets, this study views the L-variable under considera - tion as to the numeric forecasting variable’s human linguistic counterpart. Hence. its word—domain becomes potentially infinite to positively utilize the HA-approach formalism for increasing the LTS forecasting result exactness. Because the forecasting model proposed in this study can directly handle L—words. the LTS, constructed from the numeric time series and its L-relationship groups. Considered human knowledges of the given time—series variation helpful for the human-machine interface. The study shows that the proposed formalism can more easily handle the LTS forecasting models and increase their performance compared to the FTS forecasting models when the words‘ munher grows.