Sách tham khảo (Tất cả)
A Practical Guide to Biomedical Research for the Aspiring Scientist / Peter Agger, Robert S. Stephenson, J. Michael Hasenkam

This book advises and supports novice researchers in taking their first steps into the world of scientific research. Through practical tips and tricks presented in a clear, concise and step-wise manner, the book describes the entire research process from idea to publication. It also gives the reader insight into the vast opportunities a research career can provide. The books target demographic is aspiring researchers within the biomedical professions, be it medical students, young doctors, nurses, engineers, physiotherapists etc. The book will help aspirational inexperienced researchers turn their intentions into actions, providing crucial guidance for successful entry into the field of biomedical research.

Medical Microbiology / Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller

The foremost text in this complex and fast-changing field, Medical Microbiology, 9th Edition, provides concise, up-to-date, and understandable explanations of key concepts in medical microbiology, immunology, and the microbes that cause human disease. Clear, engaging coverage of basic principles, immunology, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology help you master the essentials of microbiology―effectively preparing you for your coursework, exams, and beyond.

Medical Microbiology / Michael Lagunoff, W. Lawrence Drew, Nafees Ahmad, Kenneth J. Ryan, J. Andrew Alspaugh

Sherris & Ryan's Medical Microbiology, Eighth Edition is divided into five parts: Part I opens with a chapter that explains the nature of infection and the infectious agents at the level of a general reader. The following four chapters give more detail on the immunologic, diagnostic, and epidemiologic nature of infection with minimal detail about the agents themselves. Parts II through V form the core of the text with chapters on the major viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases, and each begins with its own chapters on basic biology, pathogenesis, and antimicrobial agents.

Pathology : Historical and Contemporary Aspects / Ricardo V. Lloyd

This book provides a broad overview of diagnostic pathology, integrating historical perspectives with the current practice of diagnostic pathology across various sub-fields such as surgical pathology, cytopathology, autopsy and forensic pathology, neuropathology and more. Pathology: Historical and Contemporary Aspects presents contemporary issues that are crucial to the practice of pathology in the 21st century, including the development and application of key techniques and technical aspects such as immunohistochemistry and molecular diagnostics, as well as computer applications such as image analysis and artificial intelligence. The history of the field in the West is covered in detail, including the history and current standing of major pathology societies, in addition to a concise overview of the development of pathology in Eastern countries such as China and Japan. It details the work of some outstanding individuals who have contributed to advances in pathology, from Nobel laureates to traditionally under-represented groups such as women and minorities.

Sounds of liberty : music, radicalism and reform in the Anglophone world, 1790-1914 / Kate Bowan, Paul A. Pickering

Throughout the long nineteenth-century the sounds of liberty resonated across the Anglophone world. Focusing on radicals and reformers committed to the struggle for a better future, this book explores the role of music in the transmission of political culture over time and distance. Following in the footsteps of relentlessly travelling activists - women and men - it brings to light the importance of music making in the lived experience of politics. It shows how music encouraged, unified, divided, consoled, reminded, inspired and, at times, oppressed. The book examines iconic songs; the sound of music as radicals and reformers were marching, electioneering, celebrating, commemorating as well as striking, rioting and rebelling; and it listens within the walls of a range of associations where it was a part of a way of life, inspiring, nurturing, though at times restrictive. It provides an opportunity to hear history as it happened.

Jean Sibelius : life, music, silence / Daniel M. Grimley

This book situates Sibelius within a rich interdisciplinary environment, paying attention to his relationship with architecture, literature, politics, and the visual arts. Drawing on the latest developments in Sibelius research, it is intended as an accessible and rewarding introduction for the general reader, and it also offers a fresh and provocative interpretation for those more familiar with his music.

Connecting sounds : the social life of music / Nick Crossley

Crossley argues that music is a form of social interaction, interwoven in the fabric of society and in constant interplay with its other threads. Musical interactions are often also economic interactions, for example, and sometimes political interactions. They can be forms of identity work, for both individuals and collectives, contributing to the reproduction or bridging of social divisions. Successive chapters of the book track and explore these interplays, in each case combining a critical consideration of existing literature with the development of an original, 'relational' approach to music sociology.

Dẫn luận về âm nhạc / Nicholas Cook Đầu mục:1 Tài liệu số:0

Cung cấp một khung tư duy về toàn bộ ý niệm âm nhạc, khảo sát trên mọi bình diện, cá nhân, xã hội và các giá trị văn hoá mà âm nhạc là biện thân, tác phẩm chỉ ra những sai sót trong cách nhìn nhận truyền thống về âm nhạc.

Improvising at the Keyboard / Richard Grayson Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Focusing on the task allows the developer to create music on the spot without having to read sheet music, using chords, harmony rules, and basic music theory to support the activity. Having a solid grasp of this musical structure is the key to being able to perform the task automatically.

The music producer’s ultimate guide to FL studio 20 : create production-quality music with FL Studio / Joshua Au-Yeung

FL Studio is a cutting-edge software music production environment and an extremely powerful and easy-to-use tool for creating music. This book will give you everything you need to produce music with FL Studio like a professional.