Historical dictionary of neoclassical art and architecture / Allison Lee Palmer
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Tài liệu số:1Neoclassicism is a highly complex movement that brought together seemingly disparate issues into a new and culturally rich era, one that was, however, remarkably unified under the banner of classicism, this movement was born in Italy and France and then spread across Europe to Russia and across the ocean to the United States, the Historical Dictionary of Neoclassical Art and Architecture provides an overview of Neoclassicism, focusing on its major artists, architects, stylistic subcategories, ideas, and historical framework.
Biochemistry / Emine Ercikan Abali...[et al]
Đầu mục:1
Tài liệu số:0Biochemistry is the study of how our bodies utilize the nutritional substances in our diet to make building blocks, fuels, and communication molecules for our cells. It also includes the processes by which we convert chemicals within our bodies and eliminate chemicals from our bodies
Fundamentals of momentum, heat, and mass transfer / James R Welty, Gregory L Rorrer, David G Foster
Đầu mục:2
Tài liệu số:0Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer offers a systematic introduction to transport phenomena and rate processes. Thorough coverage of central principles helps students build a foundational knowledge base while developing vital analysis and problem solving skills. Momentum, heat, and mass transfer are introduced sequentially for clarity of concept and logical organization of processes, while examples of modern applications illustrate real-world practices and strengthen student comprehension. Designed to keep the focus on concept over content, this text uses accessible language and efficient pedagogy to streamline student mastery and facilitate further exploration. Abundant examples, practice problems, and illustrations reinforce basic principles, while extensive tables simplify comparisons of the various states of matter. Detailed coverage of topics including dimensional analysis, viscous flow, conduction, convection, and molecular diffusion provide broadly-relevant guidance for undergraduates at the sophomore or junior level, with special significance to students of chemical, mechanical, environmental, and biochemical engineering.
Thủ thuật sản phụ khoa / Phạm Bá Nha chủ biên, Dương Thị Thu Hiền, Lưu Thị Hồng...
Đầu mục:5
Tài liệu số:0Cung cấp những kiến thức cơ bản và hướng dẫn các quy trình thực hiện thủ thuật trong sản phụ khoa như: Khám phụ khoa, kỹ thuật lấy bệnh phẩm làm tế bào âm đạo và soi tươi dịch âm đạo, đặt tháo dụng cụ tránh thai trong tử cung, soi và sinh thiết cổ tử cung, nghiệm pháp quan sát cổ tử cung với acid acetic (VIA) và Lugol (VILI), tư vấn về phá thai, phá thai bằng thuốc, phá thai bằng phương pháp hút chân không...