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Ecotourism : impacts, potentials, and possibilities / Stephen Wearing; John Neil Amsterdam ; Boston ; London : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009. 305 pages. : illustrations Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 338.4791 Ecotourism: Impacts, Potentials and Possibilities analyses the impacts of mainstream tourism in first, second and third world countries, and argues the benefits of adopting the philosophical approaches of ecotourism to create a more sustainable tourism industry in every country around the world. Conservation and ecotourism issues are now at the forefront of public opinion. The decline of natural rainforests, loss of endangered species, global warming and land degradation have galvanised public support for conservation. Building on the success of the first edition, this text has been fully revised and updated to include: * Updated and new international case studies * A new chapter devoted to the theory and technique of Rapid Rural Appraisal (the practice whereby communities are empowered to improve their own environment) * Questions and further readings at the end of each chapter to facilitate student's learning. * Critical analysis of ecotourism. Explores the movement of ideas around post-modern approaches to the field. Using relevant case studies, Ecotourism examines the potential positive social and environmental benefits of Ecotourism and is ideal for both students of tourism and practitioners within the tourism industry.'Ecotourism' will also be of interest to environmental groups, land managers, academics and planners. * Introduces students to key concepts and principles that govern ecotourism and applies them to environmental and resource issues * Shows how issues surrounding ecotourism relate to environmental and resource problems at local, regional, national, and global level * Provides a resource for ecotourism guides, managers and operators and explores a range of international case studies that outline best practice in the industry from Antartica, Australia, America and Europe. Số bản sách:
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International volunteer tourism : integrating travellers and communities / Stephen Leslie Wearing, Nancy Gard McGehee Wallingford : CABI, 2013 185 pages. : illustrations Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 338.4791 Volunteer tourism has increased in popularity and prevalence and is no longer considered only a small section of alternative tourism. It is now part of the mainstream tourism industry and tourism experience for many people. Using multiple case studies and concentrating on the experience of the volunteer tourist and the host community, this new edition builds on the view of volunteer tourism as a positive and sustainable form of tourism to examine a broader spectrum of behaviors and experiences and consider critically where the volunteer tourist experience both compliments and collides with host communities.. Số bản sách:
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Volunteer tourism : experiences that make a difference / Stephen Wearing Wallingford, Oxon ; New York : CABI, 2001 217 p. Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 338.4791 This book provides an overview of the phenomenon of volunteer tourism, its sources and its development as a concept; and focuses on the potential positive social and environmental benefits of volunteer tourism, and the prerequisites for a successful experience. Chapter 2 examines alternative tourism experiences and how tourists themselves construct them, then conceptualizes the concept of volunteer tourism within those boundaries of alternative tourism and, subsequently, mass tourism. Chapter 3 examines one of the 60 environmental projects undertaken by Youth Challenge International (YCI) between 1991 and 1995, which provides a microsocial context for the examination of the Santa Elena Rainforest Reserve experience of YCI participants. Chapter 4 presents the data obtained from the in-depth interviews with participants from Australia, over the 3 years of the Costa Rica project. Chapter 5 examines the elements of ecotourism, volunteerism and serious leisure in conjunction with the themes that emerged from the participant's definitions of the experience and links them to related information in the interviews and the literature. Chapter 6 focuses on the centrality of the natural environment. Chapter 7 explores how volunteer tourism experiences actually contribute to the development of self, framing the experience in the very words of the participants. Chapter 8 examines the growing convergence of aims between local communities and the tourism sector. Chapter 9 argues that the alternative tourism experiences should not be reduced to a dialogic model of impossible realities related to dialectal materialism. Instead, its understanding should be grounded in human interactions and the concrete social reality in which it takes place. Số bản sách:
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