Dòng Nội dung
A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) / Joseph F. Hair...[et al]
Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications, Inc., 2022
xx, 363 pages. : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 511.42
The third edition of A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) guides readers through learning and mastering the techniques of this approach in clear language. Authors Joseph H. Hair, Jr., G. Tomas M. Hult, Christian Ringle, and Marko Sarstedt use their years of conducting and teaching research to communicate the fundamentals of PLS-SEM with limited emphasis on equations and symbols, instead, explaining the details in straightforward language. A running case study on corporate reputation follows the different steps in this technique so readers can better understand the research applications. Learning objectives, review and critical thinking questions, and key terms help readers cement their knowledge. This edition has been thoroughly updated, featuring the latest version of the popular software package SmartPLS 3. New topics have been added throughout the text, including a thoroughly revised and extended chapter on mediation, recent research on the foundations of PLS-SEM, distinctions between PLS-SEM and CB-SEM, use with secondary data, model fit and comparison, information on control variables, sample size calculations, and more.
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Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences / Philip R Bevington; D Keith Robinson
New York : McGraw-Hill, 1992
328 p. : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 511.43
Designed as a laboratory companion, student textbook or reference book for professional scientists, this book provides an introduction to the techniques of data analysis and error reduction. Coverage of computer techniques has been enhanced since the first edition.
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Introduction to applied linear algebra : vectors, matrices, and least squares / Stephen P. Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018
473 p. ;
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 512.5
This groundbreaking textbook combines straightforward explanations with a wealth of practical examples to offer an innovative approach to teaching linear algebra. Requiring no prior knowledge of the subject, it covers the aspects of linear algebra - vectors, matrices, and least squares - that are needed for engineering applications, discussing examples across data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, signal and image processing, tomography, navigation, control, and finance. The numerous practical exercises throughout allow students to test their understanding and translate their knowledge into solving real-world problems, with lecture slides, additional computational exercises in Julia and MATLAB®, and data sets accompanying the book online. Suitable for both one-semester and one-quarter courses, as well as self-study, this self-contained text provides beginning students with the foundation they need to progress to more advanced study.
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