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City tourism : national capital perspectives / Robert Maitland, Brent W Ritchie Wallingford, UK ; Cambridge, MA : CABI, 2009 297 p. Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 338.47910 This book examines tourism in a wide range of capital cities from around the world. The book consists of 20 chapters presented in six parts. Part II focuses on issues concerning the imaging and branding of national capital cities covered by four chapters. Part III of the book focuses on visitor experiences and perceptions of national capitals and comprises four chapters. Part IV of this book focuses on specific tourism markets in capital cities and covers four distinct chapters. Part V consists of five chapters that explore the nature of tourism development in national capitals. Part VI discusses the commonalities and contrasts between the previous chapters, and presents and discusses the key aspects related to the book themes, outlined earlier. It concludes with a discussion of future research directions and priorities to expand the body of knowledge related to national capital tourism, and in doing so contributes to a better understanding of city tourism more generally. Số bản sách:
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Tourism and political change / Richard W Butler, Wantanee Suntikul Oxford : Goodfellow Pub, 2010 229 p. Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 338.4791 Tourism and Political Change addresses issues of great current relevance and importance focussing on events and their impacts on the tourism industry. Developments such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the fragmentation of the Soviet Union, the end of Apartheid, are examined in this discussion of the past, present and future of tourism. Số bản sách:
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Tourism local systems and networking / Luciana Lazzeretti, Clara S Petrillo Amsterdam ; Oxford : Elsevier, 2006 263 p. Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 338.4791 This book focuses on the role of networking, cooperation and partnership in destination management in response to the changing environment of the tourism industry. Firms and institutions are nowadays required to implement drastic management changes: they must adopt a systemic approach and become actively involved in formal and informal networks in order to increase efficiency and product quality, to gain a sustainable edge and face the competitive context. The work is dedicated to deepening the topics of the "Networking and Tourism Local System" session of the 12th ATLAS 2004 Annual Conference, "Networking & Partnership in Destination Development & Management", held in Naples. From a theoretical point of view, the papers included herein relate to two macro reference areas: applied economics and managerial sciences. The analysis range from national to local levels and focus on strategies, policies, and project experiences. Several cases from different areas (Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Portugal, Spain, Sweden) are examined and provide features and issues that can be applied beyond the cultural and economic contexts. * International in Scope. Số bản sách:
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