Dòng Nội dung
Application of Raman spectroscopy in relative blue ballpoint pen ink dating for forensic document analysis – a case report / Hoang Anh Duc, Hoang Manh Hung, Tu Binh Minh // Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành . - 2023. - tr. 9-15. - ISSN: 2615-9015

Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC):
In this case report, blue ballpoint ink on a questioned document was investigated using a newly developed Raman model devoted for dating of documents via writing inks. The majority of blue ballpoint pen inks contain crystal violet - a triarylmethane dye which displays a typical “molecular fingerprint” type of Raman spectrum, of which most intense peaks at 749 cm−1 and 1542 cm−1 (under 785 nm laser excitation) represents the least and the most stable bonds of crystal violet molecules, respectively. The ratios of peak intensities at above mentioned Raman shifts are utilized to estimate the relative dating of the questioned blue ballpoint pen ink in practice, results of which agreed with estimations using other traditional relative dating methods.
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Xây dựng phương pháp phát hiện Paracetamol trộn trái phép trong chế phẩm Đông dược bằng sắc ký lớp mỏng kết hợp tán xạ Raman tăng cường bề mặt (TLC-SERS) / Đào Thị Cẩm Minh, Lê Văn Vũ, Nguyễn Thị Kiều Anh, Phạm Thị Thanh Hà // Tạp chí Dược học . - 2018. - tr. 23-27. - ISSN:

Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 615
A novel TLC-SERS (thin-layer chromatography combined with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy) method was developed for detection of adulterated paracetamol in herbal products. TLC separation was performed on methanol extracts from the herbal products. Nano silver colloid prepared in water was introduced on the TLC plate at the position equivalent to paracetamol before SERS spectrum was recorded. Type and concentration of nano silver colloid was investigated, and typical Raman shifts on the SERS spectrum of paracetamol were selected for the identification. The analytical method was validated for specificity and limit of quantitation. Fourteen herbal products were analyzed, Of these products, three were detected with paracetamol adulteration. This is the first study in Vietnam using TLC-SERS in quality control of herbal products.
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