Dòng Nội dung
Advances in geo-spatial information science / Editors: Wenzhong Shi, Michael F. Goodchild, Brian Lees & Yee Leung
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2012
332 tr. ; cm.
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 910.285
"Covering recent advances regarding fundamental issues of geo-spatial information science (space and time, spatial analysis, uncertainty modeling and geo-visualization), and new scientific and technological research initiatives for geo-spatial information science (such as spatial data mining, mobile data modeling and location-based services), Advances in Geo-Spatial Information Science will be of interest for academics and professionals interested in spatial information science, spatial data handing and modeling of geographic systems"
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ArcGIS for environmental and water issues / William Bajjali
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2018
363 pages. : illustrations
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 910.285
This textbook is a step-by-step tutorial on the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in environmental and water resource issues. It provides information about GIS and its applications, specifically using the most advanced ESRI GIS technology and its extensions. Eighteen chapters cover GIS applications in the field of earth sciences and water resources in detail from the ground up. Author William Bajjali explains what a GIS is and what it is used for, the basics of map classification, data acquisition, coordinate systems and projections, vectorization, geodatabase and relational database, data editing, geoprocessing, suitability modeling, working with raster, watershed delineation, mathematical and statistical interpolation, and more advanced techniques, tools and extensions such as ArcScan, Topology, Geocoding, Hydrology, Geostatistical Analyst, Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst, 3-D Analyst. ArcPad, ESRI's cutting-edge mobile GIS software, is covered in detail as well. Each chapter contains concrete case studies and exercises - many from the author's own work in the United States and Middle East. This volume is targeted toward advanced undergraduates, but could also be useful for professionals and for anyone who utilizes GIS or practices spatial analysis in relation to geology, hydrology, ecology, and environmental sciences.
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GIS fundamentals : a first text on geographic information systems / Paul Bolstad
Acton, MA : Eider Press, 2016
784 pages. : color illustrations
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 910.285
"GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems Fourth Edition. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computerised tools for the entry, maintenance, and analysis of spatial data. GIS are critical for effective resource management, and have been applied across a wide range of science, business, and government endevours. This book provides an introduction to the theory and application of GIS. It is written for use in an introductory GIS class and as a reference for the GIS practitioner. This fourth edition balances theoretical and applied material, so that students may apply knowledge of GIS in the solution of real-world problems. Improvements over the previous editions are included in each chapter. Topics treated include an introduction to GIS, spatial data models, map projections, data entry, image data, GPS, digital data, database systems in GIS, general spatial analysis, raster analysis, terrain modeling, metadate, standards, and accuracy assessments. Paul Bolstad is a Professor at the University of Minnesota. He has 26 years of experience teaching, using, and researching GIS for industry, education, and government."
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Hệ thống thông tin địa lý - Phần mềm ArcView 3.3 =Geographic information systems - ArcView 3.3 software /Nguyễn Kim Lợi, Trần Thống Nhất
Tp. Hồ Chí Minh : Nông nghiệp, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, 2007
237 tr. ;24 cm.
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 658.4038
Giới thiệu hệ thống thông tin địa lý; đặc điểm của hệ thống thông tin địa lý - GIS; dữ liệu thông tin địa lý và việc ra quyết định; ứng dụng GIS trong quản lý tài nguyên và môi trường; giới thiệu ArcView GIS; soạn thảo dữ liệu thuộc tính...
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Principles of geographic information systems : an introductory textbook / Rolf A. de By, Otto Huisman
Enschede, The Netherlands : The International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), 2009
540 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm.
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 910.285
This book was originally designed for a three-week lecturing module on the principles of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to be taught to students in all education programmes at ITC as the second module in their course. A geographic information system is a computer-based system that supports the study of natural and man-made phenomena with an explicit location in space. To this end, the GIS allows data entry, data manipulation, and production of interpretable output that may provide new insights about the phenomena. There are many uses for GIS technology, including soil science; management of agricultural, forest and water resources; urban planning; geology; mineral exploration; cadastre and environmental monitoring. It is likely that the student reader of this textbook is already educated in one of these fields; the intention of the book is to lay the foundation for the reader to also become proficient in the use of GIS technology.
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