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Communicating for success / Cheryl Hamilton, Bonnie Creel Boston : Allyn & Bacon, 2011 xxix, 465 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm. Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 651.7 "Communicating for Success gives students the foundations, tools, and information they need to become successful, competent communicators in all aspects of their lives. Just as the ants on the cover of this book get the apple through their successful communication efforts, a concentrated focus on careers in communication--highlighted in a two-page spread at the end of each chapter--brings home the relevance and uses of communication outside the classroom, further illustrating for students why this course is important and valuable. Interesting, extended examples, an accessible design and an integrated emphasis on learning objectives, all combine to help students focus on communication competence as they learn the theory and skills to become better, more effective communicators. " Số bản sách:
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Compose, design, advocate : a rhetoric for integrating written, visual, and oral communication / Anne Frances Wysocki, Dennis A Lynch Boston : Pearson, 2013 xvi, 509 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm. Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 808 Introduction Section One: DESIGNING COMPOSITIONS RHETORICALLY 1. A Rhetorical Process for Composing The background to our story What we learned: Seeing the piece Putting the pieces together Rhetoric and argument Rhetoric, argument, and advocacy Rhetoric and persuasion: Thinking about how text work on us Thinking through production 2. Composing a Statement of Purpose Working toward a statement of purpose Purpose Audience Content Statement of purpose Renee's statement of purpose Thinking through production 3. Composing a Design Plan Working toward a design plan Strategies Medium Arrangement Renee's design plan and letter Testing Thinking through production Section Two: RESEARCHING TO SUPPORT COMPOSING 4. Researching for Advocacy and Argument Research, argument, and advocacy A rhetorical research process What is a source? Step 1: Find a topic Step 2: Narrow your topic through initial research Step 3: Develop questions to guide your research Step 4: Use your questions to help you find sources Step 5: Engage with your sources An annotated bibliography Step 6: Divide on your argument Step 7: Evaluate your sources Thinking through production Alternative research projects 5. About Written Modes of Communication The pleasures and connections of writing Writing's purposes, audiences, and contexts Ethos, logos, and pathos as writing strategies A design plan for writing A first draft of a research paper Giving feedback to others' writing Receiving feedback to your writing A revision plan The written strategies of proofreading, editing, and revising A short example of revision A revised research paper Testing and evaluating writing Thinking through production 6. About Oral Modes of Communication Pleasures of speaking And responsibilities of speaking On listening Speaking's purposes, audiences, and contexts A statement of purpose for speaking Ethos, logos, and pathos as speaking strategies Preparing (yourself) to talk A checklist for a design plan for a talk A design plan An oral presentation Testing and evaluating oral presentations Ethical contexts of speaking--and listening Interviewing Thinking through production 7. About Visual Modes of Communication The pleasures--and complexities--of visual communication Visible purposes, audiences, and contexts A statement of purpose for a photo essay Visible ethos, logos, and pathos Analyzing visual arguments A design plan for a photo essay A photo essay Testing and evaluating visual texts Designing slides to support oral presentations Thinking through production 8. About Advocacy and Argument Becoming an advocate Situating yourself to advocate Advocacy is rhetorical Research and advocacy Who changes and who benefits when you advocate? Being an advocate, being a citizen, and being a critic: "The Partly Cloudy Patriot" Grounds for advocacy--and for living: "The False Idle of Unfettered Capitalism" Thinking through production Section Three: ANALYZING THE ARGUMENTS OF OTHERS 9. Doing Rhetorical Analysis of Others' Texts Analyzing others' texts A comparison: Analyzing communication situtations and analyzing others' texts Steps for rhetorical analysis Applying the steps to a webpage Applying the steps to a different webpage Writing a rhetorical analysis Reading and responding rhetorically: A written alaysis of one text , a website Reading and responding rhetorically How chapters 10-14 help you with rhetorical analysis Thinking through production 10. Analyzing Posters How posters work Movie posters from the United States Wartime posters from teh United States and elsewhere How posters work: Bodies and culture Thinking through production 11. Analyzing Documentary Photography How photographs work A photographic essay Reading and responding rhetorically: A written analysis of a photographic essay A photographic essays: excerpt from "American Muslim Students" A photographic essays: photographs from A Civil Rights Memorial Thinking through production 12. Analyzing Opinion Pieces and Editorials How editorial and opinion pieces work The contexts of opinion pieces and editorials A short editorial on a controversial topic Reading and responding rhetorically Opinion: "Separating fact from fiction in video game debate" Reading and responding rhetorically A checklist for ethos Editorial: "Violence vs. sex" Opinion: "Games People Play" Editorial: " Violence: Video Games and What We're Not Playing" Reading andn responding rhetorically Critical thinking: Evaluating the logos of editorial and opnion pieces Evaluating logos of an editorial: "Court majority was right" Thinking through production 13. Analyzing Essays How essays work "The Periodic Table" A rhetorical analysis of "The Periodc Table" Reading and responding rhetorically Preparing to read the essay "Higher Education" Looking back at "Higher Education": What we noticed--and why Preparing to read the essay "The Smallest Woman in the World" "The Plaintiff Speaks" Preparing to read the essay "What Does It Mean to Be Cool" Thinking through production 14. Analyzing Comics How comics work Single frame comic: The Yellow Kid A comic's panels "Common Scents" Preparing to read "Little House in the Big City Thinking through production. Số bản sách:
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Skillful listening & speaking 3 : student's book / Ellen Kisslinger, Lida Baker London : Macmillan Education, 2018 190 pages. : illustrations ; 26 cm. Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 428.83 Skillful Second Edition is a 5-level Academic English course designed for students in university programmes. Its rigorous step-by-step approach develops language proficiency and academic skills, helping students perform at their best. Skillful Second Edition engages and challenges students with interesting and relevant topic using fresh, dynamic content and meaningful academic tasks. The material in latest edition, enhanced with digital content, encourages learners to study and analyse a wide range of ideas and problems in order to form and express their own opinions with the confidence needed to achieve academic success. Số bản sách:
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