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An investigation into how mindfulness practice might improve listening comprehension of English learners in Viet Nam / Nguyen Hoai Phuong // Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ - Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành . - 2024. - tr. 151-158. - ISSN: 2615-9015
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 428.240 This study investigated the effect of short mindfulness exercises on the listening comprehension of Vietnamese students learning English. Research participants (N = 190) were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group who received three five-minute mindfulness sessions before listening tests and the control group who received the mindfulness intervention only before the last listening test. The results showed a significant interaction effect between the group variable and test scores, indicating that mindfulness meditation can enhance listening comprehension of the experimental compared to the control group. These findings align with previous studies on the positive effects of mindfulness on listening comprehension of foreign language learners. This study suggests that mindfulness may be a valuable tool not only in education in general but also in language learning and teaching. Số bản sách:
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Thiết kế và sử dụng bài tập đọc hiểu văn bản truyện theo hướng phát triển năng lực cho học sinh lớp 1 // Giáo dục Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh . - 2024-1. - tr. 1-5. - ISSN: 2354-0753
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 372.4 Designing and using a system of reading comprehension exercises for story texts in elementary schools is very necessary in the teaching process towards capacity development. However, in reality, many teachers do not master how to design and use this type of exercise. This article presents the principles, design process and how to choose and use story text comprehension exercises for first grade students. Research results show that designing and using reading comprehension exercises for story texts in the direction of developing capacity enhances attraction, maximizes the central role of learners, and trains skills and abilities. students' use of Vietnamese, contributing to improving the quality of teaching reading comprehension of story texts in first grade in particular and elementary schools in general. Số bản sách:
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