Dòng Nội dung
Marketing plan templates for enhancing profits / Elizabeth Rush Kruger
New York : Business Expert Press, 2016
xxi, 203 pages. : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 378.175
This workbook coaches business leaders to magnify the profits of a business. They learn a unique scientific system for predicting and achieving results. Their systematic decisions will spark the profits of any business. This system comprises all strategic decisions in the marketing plan for a business. The first part uses the SWOT Analysis to assess its strengths and weaknesses and identify possible opportunities and threats. The SWOT Analysis clarifies the mission, target market, specialty, and suppliers of the business. The questions at the end of these four chapters guide business leaders to focus on quality, describe key customers, compete on strength, and delegate weaknesses.
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Marketing Plan Templates for Enhancing Profits / Elizabeth Rush Kruger
NY : Business Expert Press, 2015
229 pages. : illustration ; 25 cm.
Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 378.175
The proposed book presents 12 marketing strategies for enhancing profits with the 80/20 rule. It will include templates for marketing plans: The Appendices of the proposed book provide marketing plan templates for a manufacturer, distributor, service provider, and retailer. Examples demonstrate how a high-tech manufacturer, real estate broker, healthcare service provider, and online retailer can use them to enhance their profits.
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