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Dạy học chủ đề "Năng lượng tái tạo" (Vật lí 11) theo định hướng giáo dục STEMS nhằm phát triển năng lực khoa học cho học sinh / Nguyễn Quang Linh, Trần Thị Thu Huệ // Giáo dục Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh . - 2023-11. - tr. 17-22. - ISSN: 2354-0753

Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 530.71
STEMS education and learners’ competency and quality-based teaching, including scientific competence, have attracted great interest from many teachers and researchers. Is it possible to develop scientific capability through STEMS education? To address this question, the research study proposed a lesson plan to teach the topic “Renewable Energy” (Physics 11). The author employed a combination of literature review methods, expert opinion collection, and mathematical statistics. With 10 questions designed based on a 5-point Likert scale, 82 collected responses ensured the conditions for analysis. The results showed that the lesson plan on the topic “Renewable Energy”, which consists of 2 periods with 8 activities, was considered as a STEMS lesson and thus helped the students develop their scientific capability. The research serves as a reference for school teachers and experts to consult and deploy extensively with other topics and other subjects.
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Kết quả đánh giá của giáo viên về hiệu quả dạy học STEM tại một số trường trung học phổ thông ở Đồng bằng Sông Cửu Long / Trần Thị Cẩm Ly, Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Phúc, Võ Thị Thảo Lam, Võ Thị Thanh Lam, Nguyễn Thị Kim Hân, Đinh Minh Quang // Giáo dục Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh . - 2024-1. - tr. 59-64. - ISSN: 2354-0753

Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 371.334
In 2018, the general education Curriculum was promulgated and is currently being implemented at all educational levels. This brings about numerous benefits via integrating the STEM education model into learning subjects and topics, contributing to the development of students’ character and competence. The article evaluates the effectiveness of teachers’ applying STEM education in teaching and the conditions for implementing STEM education in high schools using a questionnaire combined with in-depth interviews. The research results indicate that students actively engage in lessons and achieve the learning objectives, as well as improve critical skills. Furthermore, many objective factors must be considered when using methods, tools, and learning materials suitable for different student groups. The survey results provide a practical basis to help educational institutions enhance STEM teaching in terms of content, methods, forms, and teaching conditions.
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Thiết kế chủ đề giáo dục STEM trong dạy học "Chuyên đề học tập tin học 10 - Định hướng khoa học máy tính" / Nguyễn Bùi Hậu, Lê Huyền Thương, Trần Lê Huyền // Giáo dục Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh . - 2024-1. - tr. 27-32. - ISSN: 2354-0753

Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 507.2
STEM-oriented teaching helps students learn through experience, theory links practice. In the 2018 general education program, STEM education has received significant attention. However, in the subject of Informatics, there are no works that discuss the theoretical basis of STEM education and its application to teaching the subject of Informatics. The article presents the 6- step process of designing STEM education topics in teaching Informatics and apply this process to design the STEM education topic “Street lights turn on and off automatically” in teaching “Informatics topic 10 - Computer science orientation”. This design process can be applied to design STEM activities according to different content and topics in Informatics to improve the quality of teaching in high schools.
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Tổ chức hoạt động giáo dục STEM trong dạy học mạch nội dung "Chất có ở xung quanh ta" (khoa học tự nhiên 6) nhằm phát triển năng lực vận dụng kiến thức, kĩ năng cho học sinh / Đặng Văn Sơn, Nguyễn Thùy Linh, Phạm Thị Bình // Giáo dục Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh . - 2024-1. - tr. 20-26. - ISSN: 2354-0753

Ký hiệu phân loại (DDC): 507.1
STEM education is suitable to developing learners' ability, it is a trend that Vietnam and many countries worldwide are focusing on. Implementing STEM in subjects is an essential form of education in high schools. This article proposes teaching processes that include organized STEM education activities to stimulate students' ability to representation knowledge and skills; proposes some STEM activities in teaching topic “Substances are all around us” (the 6th-grade Natural science curriculum); designs illustrative lesson plans, and conducts expert assessments and pedagogical experiments. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed measures are feasible and suitable for the goal of developing students' ability to representation knowledge and skills. Organizing STEM educational activities in teaching the topic “Substances are all around us” is feasible and effective in developing students' abilities to representation knowledge and skills.
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