Sách tham khảo (Tất cả)
Experiments in general chemistry : inquiry and skill building / Vickie M. Williamson, Kathleen McCann, M. Larry Peck Đầu mục:1 Tài liệu số:0

Experiments in general chemistry : inquiry and skill building, Third Edition. The manual�s 31 experiments include Skill Building, Guided Inquiry, and Open Inquiry experiments to provide maximum lab experience in the minimum amount of lab time. Each experiment includes prelab questions to help you prepare for the lab ahead of time and post-lab questions that lead you from data analysis to concept development to reinforce the core concepts of the lab.

Understanding machine learning : from theory to algorithms / Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Machine learning is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science, with far-reaching applications. The aim of this textbook is to introduce machine learning, and the algorithmic paradigms it offers, in a principled way. The book provides an extensive theoretical account of the fundamental ideas underlying machine learning and the mathematical derivations that transform these principles into practical algorithms. Following a presentation of the basics of the field, the book covers a wide array of central topics that have not been addressed by previous textbooks.

Service management : The new paradigm in retailing / Jay Kandampully Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

With a growing understanding of service as a phenomenon and perspective of business and marketing, retailers are increasingly seeing the need to transform from distribution of products to service providers. This book includes considerable insight regarding the importance of the service perspective and how it can be implemented in retailing.

Sensors handbook / Sabrie Soloman Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:0

Completely updated with new sensor breakthroughs. The second edition of Sensors Handbook equips you with cutting-edge information on advancements in sensing technology and applications in various fields, including medical, geographical,environmental, industrial, semiconductor manufacturing, and mechanical engineering. This expert guide features new developments in nano MEM sensing, smart biosensing, CMOS sensor and silicon integration, chemical sensing for environmental applications,and more. With its comprehensive coverage, this revised classic now offers you a global picture of sensor technology and applications.

Experimental Design and Analysis / Howard J. Seltman Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

This book is intended as required reading material for my course, Experimen- tal Design for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, a second level statistics course for undergraduate students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. This course is also cross-listed as a graduate level course for Masters and PhD students (in fields other than Statistics), and supple- mentary material is included for this level of study.

An Introduction to Combustion : Concepts and Applications / Stephen R. Turns Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Introduction to Combustion is the leading combustion textbook for undergraduate and graduate students because of its easy-to-understand analyses of basic combustion concepts and its introduction of a wide variety of practical applications that motivate or relate to the various theoretical concepts.

Fundamentals and applications of controlled release drug delivery / Jürgen Siepmann, Ronald Alan Siegel, Michael J. Rathbone Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Annotation Pitched at a level comprehensible to those new to the field, this authoritative text covers the scientific and technological fundamentals of drug delivery as well as clinical applications and the developmental potential in controlled release drug delivery.

Managing food safety risks in the agri-food industries / Jan Mei Soon, Richard Baines Đầu mục:1 Tài liệu số:0

Modern farming practices involve more stakeholders in the supply chain, presenting issues of storage, transportation, and distribution prior to reaching the consumer. This increasing complexity in food production chains creates more points for introducing microorganism contamination of crops, livestock, and aquatic organisms. Managing Food Safety R

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper / Barbara Gastel, Robert A. Day Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

The purpose of scientific writing,' according to Barbara Gastel and Robert A. Day, 'is to communicate new scientific findings. Science is simply too important to be communicated in anything other than words of certain meaning.' This clear, beautifully written, and often funny text is a must-have for anyone who needs to communicate scientific information, whether they're writing for a professor, other scientists, or the general public.

Vật lý và kỹ thuật màng mỏng / Nguyễn Năng Định Đầu mục:0 Tài liệu số:1

Nhập môn vật lí kĩ thuật màng mỏng. Động học chất khí. Hấp thụ và ngưng tụ. Vật lí và kĩ thuật chân không cao. Lý thuyết bốc bay chân không. Chế tạo màng mỏng bằng kĩ thuật chân không. Phương pháp phún xạ. Các phương pháp phân tích đặc trưng màng mỏng